徐钦峰 教授 光学工程博士,硕士生导师
2010.6 博士毕业于中科院上海光学精密机械研究所 2010.6-至今 必赢76net线路 2011.12-2014.12 南京大学博士后
激光原理与技术; 光纤通信技术; 工程制图; 固体光学性质; 光电检测原理及技术
微纳体系中单光子特性、能量传递、多激子产生等光学效应研究. 光纤激光器和光纤传感技术研究.
1. 山东省省属高校优秀青年基金(ZR2015JL024主持)
2. 国家自然基金青年项目(61307067主持,已结题)
3. 博士后特别资助项目(2014T70500主持,已结题)
4. 博士后面上资助项目(2012M511235主持,已结题)
5. 山东省中青年科学家奖励基金项目(BS2011DX005主持,已结题)
6. 山东省高等学校技计划项目(J11LA11主持,已结题)
获得奖励情况和荣誉称号 :
1. 2005.6 山东师范大学优秀毕业生
2. 2007.6 华中科技大学优秀毕业生
3. 2010.4 上海光机所博士优秀科研二等奖
4. 2014.12 南京大学优秀博士后
5. 2014.12 鲁东大学优秀党员
6. 2015.12 鲁东大学先进个人
学校及社会兼职 : IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Optics Communications, Chinese Optics letters等期刊的审稿人。
近期代表性工作 :
申请人近年来发表论文40 多篇(第一作者或通信作者18篇)其中13篇发表在 ACS Nano, Nano letters, Journal of American Chemical Society, Scientific Reports, Appl. Phys. Lett., Chemical Communications等国际著名期刊上,目前文章总引300多次,个人引用H因子为10。
1. Lei Zhang, Qinfeng Xu*, Mingliang Liu, Lingbin Kong, mengmeng Jiao, Haifeng Mu, Dehua Wang, Jiannong Chen, Honggang Wang, Chuanlu Yang*,Temperature and wavelength dependent photoluminescence (PL) properties of quantized state and surface trap state in CdSe quantum dots, Nanoscale Research Letters,12:222, 11671, 2017.
2. Lingbin Kong, Qinfeng Xu*, Dehua Wang, Mingliang Liu, Lei Zhang, Mengmeng Jiao, Honggang Wang, Chuanlu Yang*, Synthesis and study of optical characteristics of Ti0.91O2/CdS hybrid sphere structures, 2017, accepted.
3. Qinfeng Xu, Xiaoyong Wang, Min Xiao, et al, Extended Storage of Multiple Excitons in the Trap States of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Applied Physics Letters,108(9), 093110,2016.
4. Xiangnan Huang, Qinfeng Xu, Chunfeng Zhang, Xiaoyong Wang, Min Xiao, Energy Transfer of Biexcitons in a Single Semiconductor,Nanocrystal, Nano Lett., 16 (4), 2492–2496, 2016.
5. Qinfeng Xu, Xiaoyong Wang, Min Xiao, et al, Single-particle Spectroscopic Measurements of Fluorescent Graphene Quantum Dots, ACS Nano, 7(12), 10654-10661, 2013.
6. Qinfeng Xu, Carlo Piermarocchi, G. J. Salamo, Min Xiao, Xiaoyong Wang, and Chih-Kang Shih, Giant Up-Conversion Efficiency of InGaAs Quantum Dots in a Planar Microcavity, Scientific Reports, 4(3953), 2014.
7. Zheng Hua, Qinfeng Xu, et al, Energy Transfer from a Single Semiconductor Nanocrystal to Dye Molecules, ACS Nano, 8,7060-7066, 2014.
8. Qinfeng Xu, Qing Ye, Ronghui Qu, et al, Determination..in bio-gasoline by a fiber optical raman sensor, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 146(1), 75-78, 2010.
9. Fengrui Hu,Zengle Cao,Zheng Hua,Qinfeng Xu,Ming Zheng, Chunfeng ZhangXiaoyong Wangand Min Xiao,Auger-Assisted Ultrafast Fluorescence Measurement of Semiconductor Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes, ACS Photonics, 3 (8), 1415–1420, 2016.
10. Ping Li, Yong Zhou, Zongyan Zhao, Qinfeng Xu, Xiaoyong Wang, Min Xiao, et al, Hexahedron Prism-Anchored Octahedronal CeO2: Crystal Facet Based Homojunction Promoting Efficient Solar Fuel Synthesis, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, 9547−9550.